The Biriyani Master-Aprajit Parijat |Since 2012
- Food and Beverage
- March 9, 2021
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“The birth-story of Biriyani Master is an interesting tale which started with savoring various types of Biriyanis and writing about them. The actual blogging begun in 2012 when I was in Canada. I started writing about the places where people can find amazing food on which is a food-based recommendation site. Since then there is no looking back.”, said Aprajit, the Biriyani Master.

As it is evident from the title Biriyani Master itself, Aprajit is a big-time biriyani lover and would leave no stone un-turn to relish upon a plate of authentically prepared Biriyani. He loves eating, traveling, and blog about his experiences and adventures while capturing simple pleasures of life and give the readers his perspective on dine-in places, Travel tales, Hotel stays, etc.
Youtube Podcast of ‘Biriyani Master’:-
A banking domain software- techie by profession, Aprajit is following his passion and his love for delicacies while balancing various handles of his life brilliantly. Speaking about the blogging myths, Aprajit explained, “people usually think that food blogging is about going out, relaxing, eating free food, clicking pictures, etc. but it is actually much more than that.”

He continued saying, “We are not doing this for some free food. This is sort of a give and take, we are investing our time and energy and the food-joint owner wants us to taste their food and write a review about it. It’s a responsibility towards the food lovers also. We can’t just post any random stuff; the reviews have to be genuine and from the heart.”
Aprajit is very fond of Mugalai food, Galaoti kebab and Tundey kebab taking the top spot and for go-along Aprajit would prefer any good mocktail, Blue lagoon or blue ocean is what among his favorite drink. The year 2017 marked the foundation of The Agra Foodsters, the new chapter in Aparajit’s food diary and the most sought-after food-based group in the city of Agra.
The Agra Foodsters is a Facebook and Instagram based community for food lovers who wish to contribute their experiences and read others’ before eating out thereby creating a conducive environment for food writing, reviewing, and blogging. “The two blogs are interlinked with respect to food but quite different from the other.”, said Aprajit, “Biriyani Master is a personal food blog and through Agra Foodsters we strive to boost the foodie culture in Agra where the members can share their experiences and traditional recopies on our Facebook group.”